Center helps students discover career paths

Posted on Friday, October 23, 2020

CLCD staff assist a student with their career search

Students who are searching for career options have a “one-stop shop” on campus for support and guidance.  

The Center for Leadership and Career Development creates content and shares resources to help students and alumni navigate career paths – from the beginning stages of choosing a major all the way to locating jobs or applying to graduate programs, according to Karen Pruett, Associate Dean and leader of the program.  

Everything we do is to encourage students to actively engage on campus and in their own personal career development,” she said. “We support students—and alumni—in the process of making career decisions, connecting with employers and reaching career goals.” 

Pruett said they are known for the amount of programming they offer. In a typical year, the office sponsors between 20 and 30 events related to career development. 

“Initially, we were concerned that the Covid social-distancing guidelines would limit our ability to reach groups of students,” she said. “Instead, we found ways to organize virtual events to offer opportunities that weren’t available before.” 

The virtual concept allows for speakers to participate without the challenges of travel and scheduling. That was particularly true for a series of young alumni interviews. 

“Jacob Wise, Internship Coordinator and Career Advisor, did an amazing job coordinating the series,” she said. “The young alumni who participated were excited to be a part of something that helped current students, and were appreciative that they didn’t have to take time off work to speak to our students.” 

Participants were recorded talking about their experiences at the college and how they helped in their lives and careers after graduation. 

“Those interviews are available through the college’s Connect online system and will continue through the semester,” Pruett said. “Most sessions have been viewed by more than 100 students.”  

In addition to events, the center also offers other virtual options. 

“Students can connect with us online for walk-in-hours or career chats that relate to a specific topic,” she said. “We still meet with students individually. Virtual appointment are easily scheduled and work well.” 

Additional offerings include on-campus recruitment days, virtual career fairs, 
résumé proofing, graduate school application proofing, mock interviews, graduate school fairs, graduate school practice tests and study guides, informational interviews and  
speakers from companies/organizations.  

An online program called Big Interview also has proven to be popular. 

“It combines training and practice to help improve interview techniques and build confidence,” Pruett said. “It offers mock interview practice and recording tool, resume assistance, written and video curriculum covering the entire job search and interview process, a mechanism for sharing videos externally/internally for feedback and the ability to customize/record questions and question sets.” 

Other resources, including the Panther Job Board, are available on the office’s website.

Lance Shealy ’20 said the CLCD was with him every step of the way at LC. 

As a freshman, I entered the center with no idea of what I wanted to do in life,” he saidThey welcomed me with open arms and listened to my passions in life. After multiple meetings, they helped me realize my dream of becoming a physician.  

Two years later, he returned for advice on his medical school application. He has been accepted at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine of South Georgia in Moultrie. 

Student-athlete Sims Tanner ’21 said he went to the center when he was a sophomore for guidance on minors, and he has continued to use the center to plan for his future. 

“What I love about this place is their willingness to help,” he said. “They are always happy to email you or set up a meeting. They honestly care about every student.” 

For more information about CLCD, contact Pruett at 706-880-8997 or 


Campus notes 


The Rev. Dr. Adam Roberts, Chaplain and Director of Spiritual Life, says thumbs up to the new LC masks.  Purchase this special LC-branded mask and a part of your cost will go directly to fund needed resources. These high-quality masks are 100% polyester, three-ply, washable and hygienic. They are available in two sizes – small/medium and large/extra large – and are $15 for one, with $10 counting as a gift, or two for $25 with $15 going to help students. Go to, make your gift and put mask and the size you need in the comments. Shipping is included. For more information on the masks, please contact the LaGrange College Development Department at 706-880-8039 or 

Kim Barber Knoll, Director of Theatre Arts and Co-Director of Musical Theatre, recently was a guest artist in virtual alumni cabaret at Jean’s Playhouse (formerly North Country Center for the Arts and Papermill Theatre) in Lincoln, New Hampshire. After working with the company since 1987, she served as the theatre’s artistic director from 1997-2006.  

Dr. Linda McMullen, Ely R. Callaway Sr. Associate Professor of Management and International Business and Co-Director of Cornerstone, presented “I Had No Idea!”: Helping Students Imagine the Integration of Economic and Social Value Creation” virtually at the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs Region 3 fall conference. 

Political Science Professor Dr. John Tures and Political Science majors Nia Johnson, Tamino Schoeffer, Jaydon Parrish, Madison Demkowski, Olivia Hanners, Hannah Godfrey, Brennan Oates, Maalik Baisden, Yasmin Roper, Natalie Glass, Casey Evans and DeQueze Fryer had their law class research on Supreme Court nominations published in newspapers in Virginia, Georgia and Pennsylvania, including the Augusta Chronicle.

The Fall Service Saturday will be Nov. 7. Students, faculty and staff volunteers will partner with the City of LaGrange for its “Leaving LaGrange Better than We Found It” anti-litter campaign. To register for Service Saturday, please visit here. Registered participants will meet at 7:30 a.m. on the library plaza for a brief orientation before dividing into teams and traveling to LaGrange Academy for the event. 

Eighteen Performing Arts students have recorded and submitted more than 45 virtual auditions for Southeastern Theatre Conference, United Professional Theatre Auditions, New England Theatre Conference and National Association of Teachers of Singing. 

Don’t forget that all classes Nov. 3 will be online so everyone will have a chance to vote.  


Cultural Enrichment events 

Check LC Connect for Virtual CE events and instructions. For in-person events, all COVID guidelines apply.  


Microsoft tools and tricks to make your college experience easier 

  • Virtual:  Microsoft representative Justin Jackson '17 will guide students through how to use their new Outlook email, how to make the most of Teams and other tips, tricks and tools available to them for free through their Microsoft accounts. 


LC young alumni interview 

  • Virtual:  Elissa Chandler ’20She was president of Wesley Fellowship, a Wilkinson Family Servant Scholar and member of LIFT. Today, she is director of children’s ministries at St. Mark United Methodist Church in Columbus. 



  • Virtual:  Learn about the effects of depression and ways to cope and reduce its impact. 



The Kendal Wallace era brings a substantial amount of success to the men’s basketball program. 


Video of the Week 

Classes at LaGrange College will go completely online Nov. 3 so students may have the chance to vote at their local polls. Announcing the news in this public service video are students Kyle Hildebrand, Lincoln Anderson, Jr., Nia Johnson and Rachel Cartwright. 

Category: Academics, Students, College

Keywords: career jobs students virtual

Last updated: 10/23/2020